Eating a Mango: My Way!

I had a mango for lunch in school today.  After enjoying every bit of the prawn curry I had packed, I picked up the plastic bag that held my priced dessert - a small ripe mango.  Normally, I prefer my mangoes partially ripe and very firm but all I had at home today were very ripe mangoes. I didn't mind - 'a mango is a mango' and I'll enjoy it in any shape or form! 

It had already been washed, so I bit a hole at the very top and squeezed the sides, allowing the fresh juice to squirt into my ever-ready-for-a-mango mouth. It tasted so good. It was a small mango and I ate it slowly, savoring it's sweetness and determined to make it last. I couldn't get enough of it. I do love mangoes!  

My colleagues at school watched as I carefully worked my way through the whole mango until I got to the seed.  I sucked on the fiber till it looked all wiry, pale, and dry, every bit of juice squeezed out of it. The expressions on their faces made it clear that my mango-eating method was quite different!

"I usually cut up my mangoes," one of them remarked.

Another chimed in, " I always cut and peel mine."

I chuckled and waved the chewed-up mango seed.  

"Well, you're surely missing out," I teased. "No knife touches my mango. I eat every part of it - skin, flesh and if I had my way, I'd even eat the seed!" 

I went on to explain the immense joy and satisfaction I get from eating a mango without peeling or slicing it.  

So now, guess what? I have a mango date with my colleagues tomorrow at lunchtime. I am treating each one of them to a ripe mango and we'll have a mango-eating session together -my way!! No knives, no plates, just our hands and mouths, and a tissue or two!


  1. Oh I can relate to this slice so well. I was enjoying your mango with you."I sucked on the fiber till it looked all wiry, pale, and dry, every bit of juice squeezed out of it." Your detailed enjoyment of this mango is so real. I like the way it has now turned into a lesson of sorts. Enjoy sharing the experience with your colleagues.

    1. We did and should write about that as well! Thank you

  2. You described your mango technique so well in this slice. I am curious what your colleagues thought as they watched, and happy that they'll learn the joys of eating a mango your way tomorrow!

    1. I asked one of them and she said "I could see you were really enjoying the mango and also thought I would make a huge mess if I ate my mango that way!" We did and she was fine :-)

  3. Wow, I love this. I have seen others eat the skin of the mango, but I had forgotten about that. We are not used to doing that in the U.S., but I'm going to try your method next time. This is a fascinating post!

    1. The skin is the best part for me :-). Try it


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