Missing Everyone, Everything.....

I miss my kids, my sister, my brothers,

I long for their laughter, their presence which I always treasure

I miss my nieces, my nephews, my friends, 

The joy each of them brings along with laughter and love 

I miss my own bed, my rocking chair, my own garden,

Those special places where worries are released and sweet dreams take over

I miss home-cooked food and home-grown organic fruit 

The tastes of those, none can compare

I miss my walking partners, my neighborhood

The fresh morning breeze, the good morning nods, and the"did-you-know" morning chit-chat 

I just really miss home!


  1. I am at the age where I am considering where my retirement home may be. Community is so important!

  2. In all the ways that you miss home, a kind of mystery arises for the reader. I found myself wondering the cause to seek a source of possible comfort. This is a poem for bearing witness to what you miss and the feelings that surface.

  3. Naami, we miss you too. You have expressed this so clearly. This poem shares the amazing community and environment you have back home.

  4. This poem carries familiar emotions while veiling the reasons for "missing". Sometimes I can be with someone and miss something about them - like my son as he got older and changed. Your title encapsulates the whole poem - everyone and everything.

    1. Thank you! I like what you say about missing something about someone who might be right next to you. Sometimes I miss things about my own self too :-)


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