A Crab Does Not Give Birth to a Bird

As I lay in my bed this morning, my mug of coffee on my bedside table, and a stack of my morning reads arranged in one corner at the top of my bed, a proverb from my local Ga language came to mind - 'Ka for loflo', this means 'a crab does not give birth to a bird'. It was a proverb my mom used to say all the time to any of us siblings or cousins - especially when we said or did something that reminded her of our parents.  Looking around me, I couldn't help but think, "This is Ma all over again." The familiarity of her morning routine - items carefully laid out within reach, two pillows stacked with a cover cloth stretched across them, a teaspoon still resting in my mug of coffee, just confirmed to me that I am truly my mother's child.  This made me think of other times when this proverb rings true within my family, not just for biological parents but where genes show up really strong too!  I remembered a few of these:

When my son is driving me somewhere, I cannot help but press firmly on my own personal imaginary brake anytime I feel he should have reacted quicker, a reflex reminiscent of my mom anytime she was out with my brothers. He glares at me just like they glared at her! 

My older daughter opens her wardrobe or suitcase and she has a little bag for every item, just like me! It is heart-warming to see but wish I could claim the memory she has as well.

My younger daughter always rummages through her wardrobe tirelessly searching for something that's right under her nose, just like me! She is truly my daughter!

My older son, the quiet one in the family, on rare occasions, unleashes thunderous screams and shouts during football games, his voice sounding exactly like his uncle's! Maybe mine too :-)

My youngest son always misplaces valuable items, frantically calls, and includes everyone in the search, only to discover them right where we all knew they would be! That's just like me. Everyone is slowly catching up on this and not as enthusiastic when we cry wolf anymore!

Every morning my nephews wake up, rubbing the sides of their noses and making snorting sounds just like their mom, my sister!

My brother has the habit of pulling the tip of his lip, and two of my sisters also have the habit of scratching the sides of their noses using both hands, just like my dad did!

My niece, whose fingers look exactly like her grandma's, also expertly cuts her fufu using her index and middle finger.  She skillfully creates a hollow in the tiny blob of fufu before filling it with soup and popping it into her mouth, just the way her grandma did too!

My nephew's gait carries an undeniable resemblance to his dad's and he often hears us say "You are your father's child"

Best of all is that, we've all learned to love, help each other, and give of ourselves, just like our parents did!


  1. This is a beautiful slice. Got me emotional in parts when I could make my own connections.


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