I Love Water and Waterfalls

 I went for my usual walk early this morning. As I breathed in the fresh sea breeze and enjoyed the view and sounds of the ocean, it made me think how much I love to be in water,  how much I love to listen to the sound of water, and how much I am drawn to any water-related sport or activity.  Whether it is swimming in the ocean, pool, or river; reading, writing, chatting on the phone, or simply lying back dreaming and enjoying the peace that comes along with 'anything-water' always puts me in a happy place!

At the top of the list for my 'I-love-water' attractions, are waterfalls. I am especially drawn to waterfalls and make it a point to go searching for one whenever I find myself in a different country. Today, I was walked along the ocean, memories of my visit to the Wli Waterfalls in the Volta region of Ghana flooded my mind. The experience of walking through the cool, damp, calm, and tranquil forest leading to the falls remains etched in my memory. It ignited my deep love for nature and the outdoors. The dead leaves strewn across the pathway, all wet with moisture and half-buried in mud, made squishy sounds under our feet as we carefully tried to avoid the tree roots and prickly thorny shrubs along the way.  We trudged on....

As we neared the waterfall, the sound of the roaring water forcefully plunging from the towering steep mountain into the rocky pool below, stirred up an indescribable feeling of joy within me.  I stared at the beauty of the long misty curtain of water falling gracefully against the greenery as it descended into the pool below.

The water beckoned and I followed. I dipped my toes into the cool, refreshing water. In a trance-like state, I ventured further taking one slow step at a time, fully clothed, into the crystal clear,  cool water,.......nothing mattered, I was just where I wanted to be!


  1. After reading your first paragraph, I was thinking about my visit to the same Wli waterfalls. I agree with your description of the waterfall it is just stunning. This is exactly how I felt when we were almost there, "stirred up an indescribable feeling of joy within me." Thank you for taking me back there. I

    1. I loved going there and have been back twice. I always wish I had taken my mother there. She would have loved it.

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